Saturday, June 19, 2010


Inking, it does really be of assistance to you, to have a feel of your past, which is your present when you are jotting it down.

My present, seems just too perfect or just what the doctor ordered as an outlook. I have all I always yearned for: bachelors in engineering, masters in business, job in standard chartered bank, a caring family and a much awaited relationship with a cute n adorable boy friend( who is however on the go watching cricket match between india n Pakistan and cursing me for india is on losing end as undoubtedly predicted by me)

Even though things are perfect, just upto the marks, you still feel, you need a bit more, you be deficient in a loads of things. I dunno if its something widespread or I am too emotional to care about such things. But I really wish to have a good height,( my bf’ x has), a pretty face( my bf’s x has and his first crush as wel…actually many females however m excluded in that list), a soft voice to sing(again its x of my bf to be hint at), long conversations with my bf(which yawwwnnnnnnnn his x used 2 have with him,actually his x was just perfect for him,in accordance to him)………….i dunno I feel I am just not right to be with him.

I realized while writing this, that wishlist does change with life. Is love so damn dominating that it just changes the way you look at world….it just changes your WISHLIST